After working for several years at CraftArtEdu, I've become very fond of the slideshow format of teaching polymer clay techniques. The slides offer a condensed explanation in text, more detailed explanation in the narration, and large color photos that come in close to show the detail of the technique being explained. Once CraftArtEdu closed, I felt like it was important to continue teaching and have put together new classes and new sites to continue to educate students in the polymer arts! My classes were origianlly offered on another site and I've now been able to consolidate everything here!
The classes are broken up into teachable segments. Making each individual cane, or making the forms for a box could be one class video and the different ways of decorating or using the items another. This way you don't have to overlap by watching multiple videos of the same cane in different colors or watch the same process of making a bangle for each different bracelet that uses a standard form. It's a much more cost effective way for students to learn.
I'll be adding more to this page as I have time and making more videos soon! Enjoy the free content and .
you can also find free classes at the following locations! Be sure to give them a follow!